
Monday, August 11, 2014

Final ModWOD Week Before My Cervical Spine Surgery

Monday is treating me wells of far. Although, I didn't sleep because of the full moon and I guess some anticipation anxiety for surgery. But I made it to the gym to get some work done. Although the bench was very frustrating! I could not lift the bar of the rack at 88#!!! WTH? So I did multiples at 80 and then a couple lifting "focus on form" WODs.

Iron scap
Bench 5-5-5-5-5
At 45-55-65-75-80-failed 88

Then 5rds
10x Bench at 65#
5x push jerk at 45#
5x split jerk at 45#
10x leg raises 

3k Row in 13:54

10rds focus on form
10 OHS squad with 15# bar
10 "heavy" Russians 35# 
50m sled pull 100#

1k row cool down 4:35

I actually feel a bit sore now...

My goal for the 4-6 weeks that I'm out is to do some positive thinking; affirmations and mental strength building. I'll also train my brain for lifting and movements. Maybe I'll even study to gt the L1 cert? Why not; right?

And, I initiated a video/interview project that will be awesome, too!! Life is good. 
And even though being injured (kind of awrong  label, because I didn't have an accident...) sucks, it is such an invaluable lesson. 

It will be ok. 

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