
Thursday, August 21, 2014

Second Night and Day Post OP

I slept 4 hours straight and then took a muscle relaxer. My cat was keeping me up a bit. Then I fell back asleep around 6 and slept a couple more hours. Today, it felt like my left arm and shoulder pain was returning. Yet, the pain that I haven't felt in several weeks seems to return. I guess it is due to the swelling and I am going to stay optimistic and believe that that is the case. I will talk to my surgeon tomorrow. Maybe it was a bit premature to be excited about not having any more pain in my left arm right post op... 

I have to stay positive though. I have to rest. Maybe tomorrow, I will lay in bed instead of sitting in the recliner. The neck brace really bothers me. It hurts me. My incision, neck, and the area between my shoulder blades hurt a bit, too. Just cramps, spasms and aches. My staples in my head bother me as well. It's less pleasant today than it was at the hospital and I guess I wished I had stayed a little longer... But I was only approved for 1 night. 
Well, I ordered a wedge for my bed do I hope when that gets here tomorrow I will be able to sleep more comfortably. Also will not work at all tomorrow but rest... 
I have to remind myself: it's just day 2 post op. But I need to be more careful with movements and BLT.
This is not easy. 

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