
Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Surgery done: Cervical Foraminotomy

KFirst of all, sorry for all potential typos. I am using my phone and I am on Percocet :), Valium, some anti inflammatory and have the oxygen cord in my nose :)
I wanted to give y'all a brief summary on my surgery that I had yesterday: 

My surgeon cut posteriorly and scraped out the disc material that protruded into the left foramen and pushed on my nerve roots at C5/c6. He also removed 4 bone chips that were floating around. 
Everything went very well, he said, and The anesthesiologist told my husband it was definitely a necessary procedure. (I had doubts I really needed it because I was feeling much better since Auguat).

Now a bit about my experience and the pain: 

I got up at 5am yesterday and arrived at the hospital at 6am, checked in and everything just happened smoothly. My vitals were checked and then the first nurse tried to do my IV. She tried 3 times but then gave up. She blew my veins Which was so far probably the worst pain. My anesthesiologist then came in at 7 and took over. She numbed the area if my left hand (since my right was poked a bit ;) ), and  had no problem putting the IV in. My surgeon and neuro-monitoring guy came in to check on me and share positive words, and I signed my consent. While rolling through the halls  to the surgery area I was talking about my giant dogs and crazy cat, I rember getting in and out an elevator and having a hard time keeping my eyes open in what seemed to be a surgical "waiting room"- I think there were other people too so I don't know if that's where surgery was or not - don't think so but it was bright and white :)   - that's all I remember. 
I was out. Then I remember waking up in the wake-up area. My legs were shaking and I felt some pain all over, but most of all in my throat from the breathing tube. 
I was givien some pudding and Percocet and slowly woke up. Then I was brought to my room. 
I was very sleepy and it was hard to keep my eyes open. 
My hard brace was pushing in the back of my neck a bit and I had some trouble finding a comfortable position at first. Taking Percocet with pudding every 6 hours worked well. I have also been given anti inflammatories and antibiotics through the IV. And Valium later the day. I have not been nauseous and even got up to pee around 11am the first time, then walked on my floor and took five stair steps with the  PT. The OT said my strength was normal. 
I took another few laps  with my husband around 5 and before bed - actually felt not too bad - just slow, but helped done if the pain. Speaking if pain the worst pain I felt was on the right side if my head from the staples they put in for the halo. I had read about this before so it didn't shock me. 

Dinner was pretty good and more manageable than lunch (hummus with pita). I had Chicken Parmesan, spinach and whipped potatoes. And an edible flower - lol

In sum, my pain has decreased from 9 right after surgery to about a 7, occasionally a 6. I have been able to sleep 2 hours before my nurse came in at 12:30am this morning/night to give me more pain meds and check vitals. My heart rate has been stable but in the low end at 98/55 and my pulse occasionally fell under 40 which is why she plugged in oxygen tubes. Just in case. I am an athlete though so my pulse is ba rurally low. 
Then I slept till 4:15 and went to the bathroom, had another vitals check and got anti inflammatories. More Percocet at 6m. I had the option to leave yesterday but believe it was better to stay one night just in case. 
I should be home around noon today. 
I'm going to make it a point to walk every hour and need to be more careful with not twisting and turning. I'm pretty stiff right now and hope it will get better soon, 

Here is a pic of me from yesterday around 11am

From here it will only get better :)

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