
Monday, August 18, 2014

Last day before surgery

I vacuumed the house one more time, washed a load of clothes and dishes and was surprised with a giant dish of paleo lasagna from a friend! I am so grateful for the friends I have made here in not even a year. Before crossfit I was not good at meeting people and making friends, so this is a blessing and shows how awesome crossfit (or the people who do it) is :)

I stopped at the gym for a quick WOD and went swimming with another friend later today. My husbands mom arrived to help out around the house a bit, and my husband took off the next two days. I will be fine. It feels good to nein good hands and surrounded by good people :)

Iron scap

10x10' Lsits on p-bar
1' plank
4x 10/10 ghd

10/10 tire step ups
10 44# kb swings

4x7 ring rows


45' swim with kick board 

In 24 hours it's over. I am hungry. 

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