
Saturday, August 2, 2014

Surgery approved

In the beginning of the week, I found out that my laminosectomy/posterior discectomy was
approved. Scheduled surgery day is August 19th. It's getting real. From what I've read recovery will be longer than I thought. 
I'll have 2 weeks of strict rest during which I am supposed to walk but nothing else. Apparently I can drive and go to work after week 2. Have to wear the soft brace so I'm a bit confused on how I will be able to drive. Luckily, my new job doesn't officially start before Sep 10 but I'm sure I need to be on campus the week before for orientation. Anyway, before week six I will not be allowed to do activities either. I hope slow squatting will be ok. Then I can start slowly with light activities and physical therapy. That's over a month of not doing anything... Very scary! And then over a month of light activity. I won't be back to "normal" before November. Yuck. That's difficult. 
I really need to make sure I will eat right and get my nutrition in the best shape ever: no alcohol; no sugar etc. and I guess core work, air squats etc. as much as I can.
I am not really religious (although I'm Roman Catholic) but I found this quote on 
And liked it 

My interpretation may be a bit different but in essence I understand this to be pretty motivational and applicable for my situation. I need patience, and with this my strength will renew and I will come back stronger and more resilient. 
I just have I believe that that's true. 

I wished surgery was tomorrow.

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