
Wednesday, August 20, 2014

E.T. Discharged from the Hospital

E.T. Is in the house!!!
Just in case you are curious, but the breathing tube down my throat was because of the way I was lying during surgery. I was flipped on my tummy and they cut posteriorly.
The breathing tubes in my nose afterwards and over night were because my pulse fell below 40 - I'm an athlete so I have a low pulse to begin with but hey just wanted to keep me safe.
I got an IV because I had to get one anyway for fluids, some pain meds, and antibiotics afterwards. Maybe I got gas to be put under as well and I just can't remember :)
While my pain was high at a 9 right after surgery, I think it was a combination pain and anxiety of shaking, cramping, headaches and being generally uncomfortable.
In fact, pain was not what I was used to from my left arm radiculopathy. I still have occasional pain in my elbow, bicep and shoulder but nothing compared to how t was a few weeks before surgery. My left arm and shoulder pain is down to a 0-3. Thus, my post surgery pain is from the procedure. Headaches from the halo and the staples in my head, stiffness of my neck primarily on the right side and between the shoulder blades, pressure pain from the brace and not being able to relax my shoulders properly. Muscle relaxants help a bit.
Last night, my nurse checked on me every 4 hours. The midnight check was not necessary - I had just fallen asleep. But I was given some more muscle relaxant and took a bathroom break. 4am was necessary for another dose of oxycodone. The nurse said I was doing really well and that most people would call before 6 hours were up to get more pain meds. Not me. Today, pain has been on a 6 primarily, maybe even a 5 occasionally. I was discharged at 10:30am. I did great on strength tests, walking, and stairs. At home I spend time in the recliner and walked around the house a bit. I took a shower and changed the dressing. Incision "looks good" and only my hair and the staples bother me. Don't want to blow dry my hair so that's been annoying. Here is apic of re incision after my shower. Scroll down if it grosses you out. 

 Then I took a nap on the futon we set up for me; and the futon just might not be the best choice but the bed does not work because we have two giant breed dogs that sleep in it as well and I don't and can't deal with them right now. So I was the one who had to move. I slept 4 hours and woke up super stiff which added to my pain and brought it back up to an 8. Now sitting in the recliner. Pain is around a 7. Wished the stiffness wasn't there, but again, generally pain is from the procedure and uncomfortable positions, and the brace. I'm sure I will be fine in a couple of days. Can't wait for being cleared to do exercises that will help loosen my neck up and increase mobility slowly. I might be rating pain higher than it is because it is such different pain and it is my first surgery ever. In sum, I feel like I have been taken very good care of and know who to go to and talk to if I have questions. I have to watch to not overdo anything in moments I feel good. Like reaching up for a glass. I can do it without problems but should not. Little things...
I am very grateful to have family and friends help out and had a delicious paleo lasagna with not-so-paleo cheese today. 

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