
Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Modified wodding

Felt pretty good the last couple of days. Did a lot of cleaning around the house and yard work. I do feel pain in my arm with certain movements but overall it's been better. 
Trying to go heavy but I don't know if I'm scared to put on more weight, or just don't have the strength for it. 
But that is not important right now. I am listening to my body and that is good. I always have though which makes it almost more frustrating that I am hurt. The doctor said it's an injury that developed over time, so there is nothing I could have done to prevent it. 
It's going to put me to a reset. But until the reset point I am going to do what I can. At the gym, at home, and in general. 
Mentally this has taught me a lot. It's put things into perspective. I have learned to be even more supportive of other athletes but I also had to learn how support for an injured looks like - and how some may be thankful I am out. 
There is a fine line like with so many things. Psychologically, it's just really interesting to observe.
Despite all the challeging moments of pain and/or depression I can say that I am definitely becoming a better athlete because of this experience.



WOD 1 
.5mile airdyne
16 alternating 25# DB curls
20 tire step ups

500m row
1' plank
20 leg raises


Up to 80kg
Up to 100kg

5-5-5-5 up to 70kg

Row 500m in 2:00
1' plank
5 of each: pull up negatives/24"box step ups/ring rows/leg raises

Row 500m in 1:57
1' plank
5 of each: pull up negatives/24"box step ups/ring rows/leg raises

Row 500m in 2:07
1' plank
5 of each: pull up negatives/24"box step ups/ring rows/leg raises

Row 500m in 2:04
1' plank
5 of each: pull up negatives/24"box step ups/ring rows/leg raises

Cool down 1k row 4:45

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