

My Post-surgery / Post-recovery Goals:
  • Getting a Ring Muscle Up (Got up in the rings in June 2014)
  • Getting a Bar Muscle Up
  • 10 consecutive Ring Dips
  • 10 consecutive Strict Pull-ups
  • 15 consecutive Toe 2 Bar
  • 10 consecutive Butterfly Pull-ups
  • 5 consecutive strict handstand pushups
  • 10m Handstand Walk
  • 20 consecutive strict Push-ups
  • Reach my 1RM PRs again
    • Clean and Jerk: 185#
    • Powerclean: 165#
    • Split Jerk: 185#
    • Jerk: 180#
    • Deadlift: 355#
    • Press: 110#
    • Push Press: 145#
    • Bench: 130#
    • Snatch: 110#
    • Overhead Squat: 145#
    • Back Squat: 240#
    • Front Squat: 210#
  • sub 1:40 500m Row
  • sub 1:15 400m run
  • 20 consecutive 20# 10' Wallball
  • 20 consecutive (bound) 24" box jumps
  • 100 no-trip double unders
  • 10 consecutive triple unders
  • 100 Airsquats for time
  • 100 push-ups for time
  • 50/50 pistols for time

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