
Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nutrition Team Challenge - Day 1

I decided to do a nutrition and performance challenge at my gym. It started yesterday with a pre-WOD. 
Still in e brace I had to modify it of course: 
3RM deadlift and Fight Gone Bad
I hit 125 and 207 reps with a 6# ball and 35# bar. 
It was pretty exhausting but SOOOO much fun to be back. 
I started working out a bit more since Wednesday when I was cleared to do so by my PT guy. 
I am concerned a little bit about some pain in my shoulder. I may need to get that checked out again to rule out anything else. 
But my scar is healing well.

The challenge started well, although I didn't gain any bonuses for great performance. I hope I'll improve by the end of it. 
We had measurements and pictures taken.

My weight was at 147# with 115 LBM. 
My goal is to lose some fat and gain some more LBM. So ideally, I'll stay around 145#.

We have a 30 day strict paleo rule after which we can add in dairy and some other items. I think the 30 days will be challenging but today went surprisingly well and I am pretty stoked about cleanigg up my diet and getting back into even better shape than before my surgery! 

Here is to health and fitness! 

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