
Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Just another Wednesday Workout

This is day 11 of our 8 week (or approximately 57 days long) nutrition team challenge. I didn't sleep well, had to get up early and didn't get to breakfast before 8am. Had a small snack before I went home and forgot my water... That really showed in cravings around 1.30. I wanted pumpernickel so bad... Haha,but I had a couple of eggs and tuna on greens and olive oil and curbed the cravings. I went to PT and the gym and got tired quickly, had my recovery protein , went home, had a balanced dinner and snack and must say: I better hope this diet is working.... I'm getting tired of the cooking... 
And I start missing some items...

Anyway, working out is going well and I am looking forward to hitting heavy weigts and metcons again soon. 

45' PT
1k row in 4:25
Snatch practice
Up to 75# squat snatch
Up to 85# power snatch

5Toe to bar
2 banded strict pullups
5 10sec L-sits
5 kb reaches @20#
5 TGUs @20#

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