
Sunday, September 21, 2014

Back at the Bar.

Wednesday, Sep 10: Allowed to start lifting LIGHT again!

PT guy allowed me to start lifting LIGHT again!
Iron scap
Leg swings

Couple push press 15# and 35#
Couple OHS at 15#
Couple sumo deadlift high pull at 35#

1' on/off for 10 minutes row at damper 1

Tricep extension 
Kb push

Saturday, Sep 13: Nutrition Challenge Kick Off WOD

Fight Gone bad
207 reps
at 6#WB,35# bars, step ups, damper 1
3Rep Max Deadlift: 125#

During the week, I went to PT Mo/Wed and to the gym to do tricep extensions, light dumbbell moves, iron scap, strict banded pull ups, some lifting, esp. OHS at light weights. Just to get used to the bar again,

Friday, Sep 19: First day without the neck brace

I'm close to week 5 post op and had my neckbrace off for the first time since surgery. Did hot yoga core26 and felt ok. Not great and obviously lots of work to do on mobility but I managed it and held each pose at least once.
Then on the rower at damper 5 I did 4x250m sprints around 1:53 splits 500m. 
Then some dumbbell and barbell work to get moving and stronger! And I will. One step at a time.
I did a mini WOD of
5Rds untimed
5 banded strict pull-ups
10 10# Wallballs
20 alt. tire step ups
20 alt. 15# dumbbell curls

Then a Plank tabata and 20 alt. turkish get ups with 15/20#

Saturday, Sep. 20: Bikram #2

I did Core26 again and already managed a little more.
Cleaned the house, and I am able to take our Mastiff (and Saint) for walks again. One at a time, but that's safer anyways! It's been nice in Colorado. Warm but not too hot. Fall is slowly coming.
For the coming week, I will log my WODs each day on here, since it is part of our Nutrition challenge. So far, I have not lost a point and I am super proud of it. Feeling good, despite some headache on day 5, and some grumpiness on day 6.

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