
Sunday, July 13, 2014


Wir sind Weltmeister. After years of hard work, smart coaching, physical and mental training, Germany has finally made it: Winning the FIFA World Cup. Athletes and fans alike know how good winning can feel. Endorphines basically replace adrenaline or couple up, I guess. I am not an expert on hormones, but the emotions I felt when Götze shot that one and only goal during the second half of overtime, were intense. I made my dogs go crazy as I screamed "Jaaaaaa!" and jumped off of my chair. Unbelievable. Simply wunderbar.
My posture will be fixed for at least the next couple of days, as I carry myself with an extra touch of pride...

But, at the other end, we all were shocked to see Kramer go down, keep playing, but then a bit later - surprisingly still walking - going off the field. Head injuries are not uncommon in soccer or any other contact sports for that matter. I hope that 23 year old Christoph will only have suffered a concussion as the TZ reported, but I also hope they will take x-rays of his neck. Just in case. Pereira (player for Uruguay) was knocked out during their game against England. Although he was unconscious, he kept playing. According to sources such as die Zeit, FIFPro is calling for "more" head protection. That's great, but they will keep happening, so discussing the measures that should be taken during a game, seems just as important to me. I'm sure FIFPro is considering that as well, but I am just saying. 
It certainly reminded me of my own spinal problems, the pain, and the thoughts of recovery,and fear of being able to perform at the gym again the way one did pre-injury. I sure am no star soccer player, but it does not matter who you are and it does not matter why you got injured in the first place. It is important, however, to address the cause and to be proactive and optimistic about recovery. My body is telling me with the pain it sends down my arm, that I have to do something. Change something. And I am. Never have I been more focussed on form and core strength. Maybe this will play out in my advantage in the long run, even if it will take me longer to get back to where I was pre-injury.

Tomorrow, I will see another specialist to get a second opinion on surgery and all. 
For now, I am happy to be Weltmeister and hope the best for all head-injured players of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, which has been one of the best I've seen - not only because we made it.

By the way, if you haven't read my "About me" blurb: I am German. 

Gute Nacht - tonight without narcotics! Woohoo!

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