
Friday, July 25, 2014

Do more squats

While my neck has been feeling much better recently, my left hand is now in a splint. Whoop! Whoop! My doctors don't know yet what is wrong, but I have a knot under the skin in my left palm, that's sensitive to touch and causes tingling in my hand. They want me to rest it and take ibuprofen. They don't think it's a cyst, and the knot does not seem to be attached to a tendon. It also did not show up on X-rays. I guess, that's a good thing. But of course it limits even more what I can do at the gym. Can't grab or hold anything. Anyway, I went today, and we watch a bit of  the Games. Patrick Burke, the owner of MBS - the gym I go to now - finished 9th today in one of the Games WOD. Pretty good. I coined the term "Six Pat" since he is at the games for the sixth time! Pretty impressive. Let's see where he can finish. It's pretty cool to watch him compete.

So, at the gym today I did this:


100 air squats
100 alternating pistols

3 Rounds of
about 250m 100# Sled pulls
20 alternating tire step ups
1.5 mile air dyne (use legs only)
1' plank hold
20/20 GHD


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