
Friday, July 18, 2014


Yes, I don't even have approval for surgery yet, but obviously, I am interested in recovery and all that comes along with it.
My doctor said if I have the surgery in the beginning/mid of August, I should count on 2 weeks in the soft brace, and be able to start work in September (I am a university professor, so no heavy lifting really). Then easing back into physical activity and doing PT, and after only 6 weeks I should be fine. Thus, I will be out for 2 months plus the 3+ months pre-op during which I already had to take it easy. This pause surely scares me. Basically, having to start over. I am telling myself though that all the core work and squats I am doing now and probably will be doing post-op for a while, will be beneficial in the long run. Eating a healthy diet has also become more important, so who knows what impact those "little" changes may bring as well.

Here is a great read about Peyton Manning and his road to recovery from the Washington Post, from October 2013. By no means do I compare  myself to him, ha, but I am pretty athletic and competitive, but this is encouraging and inspiring to say the least.


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