
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Pain Cycles

Today, I was about to count it day 5 of feeling fairly good. On the scale system, I think I have been on a 5-6/7. Then it started flaring up again in the evening to a 7/8. Not sure what aggravated it. My pain is characterized by wandering sharp and pulsing pain either in my shoulder, shoulder blade or upper arm (bi/tri, though c6/c7 is not affected by the herniation...) and forarm, elbow, wrist. Sometimes it feels more like stabbing sometimes it's just dull and achy. My neck barely hurts, neither does my head. But I do get a stiff neck from all the muscle tension every now and again. My thumb and forearm numbness comes and goes as well along with tingling and pins and needles pain usually down my arm and in my hand. Ugh. Right now it's pulsing and sharp pain in my elbow and wrist, a little but in my shoulder blade area... It's gotten worse over the course of the day. Let's hope I'll get some decent rest with just a few ibuprofen and 1 oxy.
I broke out in a rash that I am not sure of where it comes from so I am trying to not use too much medication.
The PT session on Monday left me sore for the next day; Wednesday I had a dental procedure that took over 2 hours. It's more than possible that the sitting in the dentist chair caused some of the worsening that I am feeling today.
I also took the dogs for walks yesterday and today. They didn't pull too much though so I don't think that was it.
Maybe doing backsquats, planks, and core work at the gym? Or getting on the airdyne? I am not sure... But I needed to do it to not go crazy... I need to ask my doc again about what physical activity he thinks I can or should do.
I only back squatted 210# - so about 25# below my pr and it felt kind of hard. It's truly frustrating to witness my own strength loss. I can't do a real push-up anymore. I do not have the strength in my left arm. It just gives in.
Seeing everyone else pr and sweat isn't easy either but I want to be supportive, even if it's hard and sometimes feels like I am lying to myself; however, I need to have faith in the process and remember that it will be ok.

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