
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

My Truth about Staying in Shape during Pregnancy

Before I got pregnant I was in pretty good shape and I always told myself that when I get pregnant I will do everything to stay in shape. I said I didn't understand how women would not work out or how they would use pregnancy as an excuse. Well, hello reality! I very well understand  it now. 
During the first half of my first trimester I was still recovering from neck surgery but had kept my shape pretty well considering the circumstances. Then, nausea hit me and it wasn't just the kind of nausea that would go away with the simple tricks your doctor or the media would tell you. I had (and still have) extreme nausea and take medication to help ease it at least a little bit. 
Anyway, I still managed to make myself workout at least 4 times a week but then I got sick with the flu which I dragged with me for an entire month. It was  impossible for me to work out. I walked the dogs - that was it. I could watch myself, or my fitness that is, go to hell. I felt (and still feel) like a fat, lazy kid who enjoys eating more than physical activity. It scares me at times, because it is not like me at all.
Well after a month of laziness and overindulgence in "bad" or comfort foods I finally made it back to the gym again: 
We CrossFitters keep track of our times and I was by far the slowest on the board today. A year ago I would have laughed about this workout: today I cried. 
I realized that I am not that fit mom I always wanted to be. It is in fact not always that simple to be what you vision yourself to be, I already knew that, but I am very determined and I persevere. But this got mom ideal just doesn't seem to be working out for me at all even though I was in great shape before or when I got pregnant. 
At first, I felt like a failure, as if I let myself down because I let myself "go". But my truth is that I just listened to my body and that was to take a one month break and also to eat whatever I wanted. In the end I will be ok. Working out today felt like I started crossfit for the first time in my life but it also showed me that it is ok to be slower and weaker. I get a chance to start over in perfecting my movements and technique. 
It's not easy to accept to be less strong and slower than I used to but it is what it is and it does not mean that I am weak. After all, my body is changing in ways I have never experienced it. I guess what I am trying to say is that it is ok to be imperfect. Even though it is painful not to meet your own standards and ideals, it does not take away your worth. It is all relative. Life is unpredictable and provides the greatest challenges. All we need to do is accepting our truths. 

Thursday, December 18, 2014

Pregnant and not wodding

Before I was pregnant I always said that I will work out during pregnancy and that I don't see a reason why I shouldn't. 
Well, already during my first trimester, I noticed that I simply could not do it. As much as I wanted it, I was physically or mentally (or both) not able to do what I had promised myself. While it's been very hard during the first trimester primarily because of nausea and shortness of breath, I have been sick all of my second trimester so far. At first, I pushed through but then I realized that what I was doing was not good for my body, so how could it be good for my baby.
It's been an internal struggle and I had to surrender myself to it eventually. Almost 4 weeks without physical activity does not make me feel good, but at the same time I know that I made the right choice.
Yet, I am scared, because I am getting "fat and lazy". I now understand why women gain weight during pregnancy, why some say they just cannot work out and I can also see how you get sucked in a cycle that will keep you lazy and getting even fatter. I sometimes think, I shouldn't care and just worry about it once the baby is here but I am also scared I won't find my way back into training and good shape. Right now I am just scared to be in even worse shape Han I would think I should be. I hate to disappoint myself. And I truly hate that I have to admit that I am not that woman, not that pregnant mother-to-be who can kick butt despite pregnancy. In fact, there are so many things I probably could still make myself do that I simply don't because... Because I don't know! No reason! I feel like I have given up. And I feel like this baby is taking it all away. 
It's going to be an interesting second have of my pregnancy and I hope I find some enthusiasm and energy to fight my "laziness" that's come about by my nausea and tiredness and feeling off. 

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Weeks 15-17 pregnant, sick, flying and NO exercise

Week 15: The week before Thanksgiving I started to get sick. I worked out Monday and Tuesday before but probably shouldn't have. I felt worst on Thankagiving, and better again on Sunday. It was quite difficult to not work out knowing I was going to be gone for two weeks when working out would be even more of a challenge

Week 16: I flew to Germany and felt googd the day of the travel until I arrived and sat in the car from Düsseldorf airport back to Cologne. I had to throw up quite a bit. Maybe because I hadn't been taking my diclegis (nausea/morning sickness meds). I had another episode driving to Bremen for a day the following Thursday. I decided to hold of with working out until I felt better. So I did and I went running and did a mini body weight wod Saturday the 6th. I felt good while exercising and wanted to keep doing it every day, but the next day I started to feel sick again with a sore throat, cough and runny nose. The rainy and cold weather didn't help either. 
I gained 5ibs duringn that one, well two weeks of not wilting out and I am scared to death I will keep gaining. It's not hat I could say it's because I am pregnant. It's truly because I am sick, lazy and eating a lot of food, including loads of Christmas treats. I whether my food evey day in my log and even though I do not have a surplus of calories I am gaining- clearly because of what I am eating. I am starting to be terrified about weight gain. I am starting to fall into very old patterns and being sick is not helping to overcome those yet. 
Yet I know I need to get over this cold before I can really start tackling my activity decrease to increase it again. 

Week 17 has just started and I am about to lose my mind over the whole gaining I weight and losing fitness issue. 
The holidays need to be over. I need to be healthy and fit again. This pregnancy has been far from enjoyable and I have thoughts of failure creeping in and fears that I won't be able to return to my old shape after the pregnancy... 
Where is my determination and discipline these days? Is this normal in pregnancy? To doubt everything and be frustrated with everything?