
Tuesday, November 25, 2014

It's ok to suck! You are making a human!

At first I boringly titles this post with "pregnant, sick and frustrated" but then I remembered that I had just posted my current mantra to a friends FB post. She was talking about affirmations in crossfit and how she had used "I can trust my legs!" At last weekend's competition in which she had to do some heavy front squats - a lift that's not her strongest. 
I guess, I need to remind myself of he "this is where I am at right now". 

Nevertheless, here is my original venting post abou being sick, pregnant and frustrated.

So, I caught a cold that I don't seem to get rid off. Nevertheless, I decided to go to the gym and WOD. I'm still not sure whether this was smart or not. I have not been able to hit weights I should be able to, nor have I been able to breathe. 
But, working out made me feel good in the moment. Who knows, maybe I will feel better tomorrow, or after Thanksgiving. 
At any rate, being sick has made me feel even worse about myself and I have encountered some depression and frustrations. 
I checked my weight this morning and I am doing just fine in terms of that, however, I feel like a fat kid and my body has blown up like a water balloon although my weight has not really changed.
Before pregnancy my weight has always been somewhere around 140-150# with a body fat of 16-20. I'm pretty sure my body fat now is through the roof but my weight is at 150# at 15 weeks. 
I usually don't worry too much about weight but now that my strength (and muscles) has decreased I am getting frustrated and anxious.
Maybe this is just a phase, but so far pregnancy has been nothing but nauseating, frustrating, and long... And I am just 3 months in. 
Sorry, but I needed to vent today. 
Being pregnant is different for everyone. Unfortunately for me it's no fun at all. 

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