
Thursday, November 13, 2014

13 weeks pregnant and PRing

Granted, I am not PRing to the degree of my pre-surgery state but yet, I am making progress and feel like calling post-op-PRs...

So, I improved my FGB score from 207 at 4 weeks post surgery to 318 at 12 week post-surgery. Both times I did not do Rx weights to have an actual baseline and comparison score. I used 35# on the bars and 6# on the WB. I am sure he next time I'll do it Rx again and who knows maybe then I'll even beat my previous Rx score. 

I have found any body weight and upperbody strength exercises very challenging. Not only have I lost stamina but also strength in all areas. Yet, my lifts since surgery have been steadily increased even though my pregnancy is progressing. 

A few 3 rep max lift PRS I achieved within the last 7 days:

Deadlift 3RM 107kg
Snatch balance 3RM 35kg
Jerk 3RM 55kg
Backsquat 3RM 84kg
Squat snatch from boxes 3RM 38kg
Squat Clean from boxes 3RM 55kg

It's been challenging to take back on intensity. But then I read this wonderful article

The problem for many, pregnant or not, is that they don't know what it means or feel like to be listening to your body. 
It's something hat took me a while and sometimes I struggle with the idea of "am I listening to my body or am I being easy on myself today?!" I feel like it's part the process of learning what's body does, can do and will do under certain circumstances and with certain desicions I make. 

Being pregnant, however, does put me at a position of not only listening to my body for my own sake but for that little peach that is growing inside me. 

I have learned to take more frequent breaths but I also try to push myself to a point that makes me feel acomplished. 

I am hoping my second trimester will bring back some energy and who knows maybe some more post-op PRs!

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