
Friday, November 21, 2014

Pregnant 14 weeks and 2 days

This week was kind of tough. I bought a cold and only managed to work out Monday, Tuesday and today - lifting sessions primarily.

Going in today I did not perform as well as I though I should or could have but I guess I need to remind myself that a strength day after being sick and in bed for three days usually is not a super awesome day. 
This was on the plan after the warmup;

1. High Hang Power Snatch -3RM then 2x5reps @-10% 
My 3RM was 30kg

2. High Hang Power Clean- same
My 3RM was 50kg

3. Push Press - 3x3 AHAP 
For me 2x@45kg and 48kg

1 rep post-surgery push press PR at 50kg

I need to work on my rack, my elbows come down and the bar does not sit on the shelf. 

Generally a good workout to come back to just didn't feel it. 

This weekend I'll be judging at the MBS Turkey Challenge and I really hope I myself will be able to compete next year! 

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