
Thursday, January 1, 2015

Team WOD 20 versus 33 weeks

Today, I did a workout with my former comp partner and I felt like a lazy, slow slob. She is 33 weeks and kicked my butt! It's tough not to compare yourself to  someone who is in your shoes, farther along, and still killing the WODs. I asked myself what was wrong with me. I came to he conclusion that she is having a boy and I am having a girl - we both don't know th gender of our babies yet, so, obviously it's just a theory. 
I felt like I did my first Crossfit class ever today. Very interesting experience and very frustrating. I'm sore and tired. I am questioning it all. But I will try my best to keep going, improving and hopefully in a year from now be where I was a year ago or better ahead (or pregnant again...). 

Yet, it makes me feel better overall to workout despite the miserable condition I am in and despite all the anxiety it brings up. I just need to keep pushing while listening to my body. 

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