
Thursday, January 8, 2015

Pregnant in the weight room - week 21

I was sick and travelling all of December and finally started to go to WOD classes regularly again this week. Yes, I noticed how dramatically my strength has decreased over the last 1+ month. I also have no stamina - technically just no oxygen. I decided I needed to stick to a weightlifting program again in addition to wods. 

Monday I did CF 1 with my husband where we did medicine ball clans and push-ups - I used 14Ibs in the wod and did box push-ups since my belly is getting in the way. 

Wednesday we did a a death by dips (on box) and death by squat clean ladder at 3/4 of body weight (but I used 115Ibs). I did 12 and 9 rounds. I quit after 9 rounds because I did not want to push me. 
Generally,  I have been focusing a lot on form! 

Then, Thursday Jan 8th was my first day back in the weight room: 

Warm up 
10 Minutes Stairs/tun
10 Minutes row 2201m

Work up to 80Ibs/39kg
Then drop to 55ibs/25kg 5TnG
Amrap 30 sec -10 reps

Front squat and Thruster 4x1+1
@65% fs should be 115 but Thruster didn't feel right so I did 110/55kg

Back squat 4x3 at 70% = 140Ibs/64kg

Friday I also did a 3RM at 195Ibs/89kg
backsquat in class followed by EMOM odd 30kb swings at 35 even rest 
x5 burpee pwbty per missed rep. Did 50 burpees. 

I did gymnastics class where we did some hand stands, skin the cat, and t2b (leg raises for me), bj's (step ups) and push-ups. 
Then in the weightroom:

1. Power clean + hang clean, 4×1+1. Each set is 1 Power Clean + 1 Hang Clean. Start at 65% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk = 100Ibs/45kg. Level load across all sets. Linear progression each week. Target 2.5kg increase each week if work sets are below 110kg.

2. Strict press, 3×3 @ 50% of your 1RM Clean & Jerk for men (40% for women). Level load across all sets. For me 65ibs/29kg. Target 2.5kg increase each week if work sets are below 90kg.

3. Deadlift, work up to a heavy triple @ 85% of your 1RM. For me should have been 215Ibs/97kg but I did 187/85. Then take 10% off the bar and do 2 drop sets of 5 reps.

It is really good to be back! It's so easy to  fall into that cycle of not going or feeling to tired and saying no to the gym. Being pregnant is also a valid excuse for everyone around me - though not for me really. I am not doing anything at high intensity but sometimes I do break a sweat. Usually, however, I just get out of breath and take my time to breathe. I have no idea if I should push through a little bit more but currently I am just happy I am making it back to the gym!

I miss the Texas weather and I am tired of the snow, the wet and the white cloudy sky. Seeing the mountain range wherever I go, though, is motivating but I scant go skiing so that stinks. 

Enough complaining, but I really just wanted to put things in perspective. It is ok to be a slacker sometimes! The better it is to find the mojo to get back into it again! 

Another positive side effect of not working out as much is that my ankle, ahoulder and hand seemed to have healed up! No injury complaints at all! Check. Another reason to fully focus on forum and work it up slowly!

Watch out, the preggers is back in the weightroom! 

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