
Friday, March 27, 2015

15.4 and 15.5 and pregnancy

For 15.4 I decided to mod the HSPUs. Just a few days before, I had done HSPUs in a WOD, but I didn't feel like it for 15.4. Instead I did the scaled version with 65# push press but heavier cleans at 105#. I got to 87 reps. Not great but not shabby. I didn't push myself too much. Recently, I have been concerned about getting my heart rate too much through the roof and aim to keep breathing steady. I am not wearing a heart rate monitor but I think I stay somewhere around 140-150.

I've been consistently doing strength class, however, and weightlifting really feels good. But I just get out of breath super quickly so anything tNg or more than 6reps at a time is challenging. 

 Similarly, I decided to go slow and steady  for 15.5. I'm usually a pretty good rower and like the damper set to a high resistance but I decided to keep it low  - at 5 - and keep cals per hour around 850 rather than 1100. I also took a "chalk" break after each row and then broke up the thrusters into 4 or 5's and sometimes rested on top: I did do the round of 9's unbroken though, and I wished I pushed myself a little more to hit sub 12 but 13:15 wasn't too bad. 
I was not out of breath and actually liked this WOD the most. It was the easiest of all to manage at 8 month pregnant. 

Just 7 more weeks to go. I cannot wait and I am also super excited to get on to  my new post-pregnancy training plan!! Maybe my husband and I will decide to better equip our garage gym - if not, I will just have to work around it and use what we have.  It will work out. 

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