
Friday, March 13, 2015

15.2 and 15.3 pregnant modifications

I'm down to one digits now - only 9 weeks to go (hopefully) before my baby girl arrives!! I cannot wait and despite the nausea, heartburn and fatigue that I have gotten used to by now, the third trimester has been the best trimester for me so far.  
Working out has been far from easy but I can tell it has been good for me. 

I surely can't wait to dive back into giving 100% and pushing myself to higher limits and I believe I have said that before, but taking it a bit easier has taught me a lot as well. 
It's always just going to be ME against MYSELF - I don't care about comparing myself to others anymore. It's truly freeing. That does not mean I won't compete or sign up for the opens next year but it means that I will first see my performance in relation to my ability and then in relation to where I am compared to others. It's secondary. I have so many goals I want to reach that only I can work on. "The others "may be a pushing factor to reach these goals but that's really about it. 

In that mindset I did  15.2 and 15.3. I had to modify both WODs and since I did not like the scaled versions I just made my own. 

15.2: I did regular pullups and 55# OHS and got to 139 reps. I honestly did not want to finish that round and was happy to stop there :) my heart rate was getting a little too high as well and I am working on keeping it at bay. 

15.3: Instead of Muscle Ups I again just did regular pull-ups but I kept the wall balls at 14# with 50 reps and the DUs at 100 reps. I got through two rounds plus 8 reps , so a total of 322. Not too bad, considering how slow I went on WB and DUs. I broke WBs into 5's and DUS into 50 and then 25's on the second round. I also had to take breaks to breathe and get my heart rate under control. 

Both wods were fun and I would hope for 15.3 to be the one to be repeated next year so I can see how far I've come since neck surgery and having a baby! 

I'm kind of anxious but also excited to see how my body reacts after having a baby. But I know I will need a plan and set out goals. 

Competing at the Turkey Challenge in November will be one of the things I want to be able to do. And I want to do it well. But the next challenge will be 15.4 and 15.5 and then giving birth. 

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