
Thursday, May 2, 2013

Measurements and Baseline

Baseline WOD

400m Run
40 Air Squats
30 Situps
20 Push-Ups
10 Pull-Ups

Time: 4 minutes 51 seconds

May 1 before working out, I had my measurements taken.

Weight: 142Ibs / 64.5kg

Chest: 35.5in / 90cm
Waist: 28.5in / 72.5cm
Hips: 38.5in / 98cm
Thigh: 21in / 53.5cm

BodyFat%: 18.8

So, I guess I should be setting a goal.
I want to improve in one month.
If I could do the WOD in 3 minutes, that would be great. I am better on 10min+ WODs but that's ok. I am already doing RX on most WODs though. inch-wise I think I can lose around the hips, possibly thigh and waist but I think my chest is not goign to get smaller, rather bigger. Similarly, I am barely in the athletic range for body fat, but 15% would be pretty awesome. Weight-wise I have no idea. But 135 would be great, yet, I really don't care about my weight.

I have no idea if any of these are realistic but let's say these are my goals:

Performance Time: 3 minutes (1minute 50 seconds)

Chest: 35in / 90cm (0.5in)
Waist: 25.5in / 65cm (3in)
Hips: 35in / 90cm (3.5in)
Thigh: 19in / 48.5cm (2in)

BodyFat%: 15

Weight: 135Ibs / 61.5kg

Sunday, April 21, 2013

The Beginning

I did my CrossFit Elements course in  May 2012 and had no idea how much I would like playing with barbells, kettlebells and all until the beginning of 2013. My husband had been telling me about CrossFit many times before but I think I never really understood what he meant, I guess. I even booked us in for a bootcamp, which he did not enjoy at all, and I just didn't experience pushing myself. Eventually I came across a living social deal for CrossFit Cedar Park which was conveniently located close by. The vouchers were bought and the first step towards a better more healthy lifestyle was set.
We didn't go regularly at first, had to put it on hold every now and then because of travel, but towards the end of 2012 I began to establish a routine. We participated in CFCP's  Holly Jolly Challenge, a 6-week team challenge that included to stick to paleo eating, recorded in daily logs with an allowance of 1 cheat meal per week and  3 team challenges and working out (of course). The eating was the hardest part for me and my husband, but we definitely learned a lot about what difference it makes to not only watch what you eat but to actually making a true effort to change habits and feeling better about your daily choices.
In January, we decided to go unlimited, and I settled for 4 times of CrossFit classes a week. I started to see results after just a month, hitting new PRs and finally being able of completing most WODs RX (as prescribed). I think I got my first real pull-up in February and was talked into participating in the CrossFit Games Opens just for fun. And it was fun: I beat my husband on all but one of the 5 WODs :)
So, here I am now, enjoying CrossFit and feeling much better about myself, even though I have gained about 15Ibs since I have started a year ago. I am still having trouble with the nutrition aspect of it but hopefully time and effort will make that better as well.